What Wings of Fire Alternate Are You?

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Hello! Welcome to my quiz! I’m Kite! Have you ever wondered which of the Alternate Dragonets you are? Do you ever wish you were in one of their shoes, but don’t know which one?

Well, this quiz is for you! Answer these ten questions to find out which of the Alternate Dragonets, Flame, Viper, Fatespeaker, Squid and Ochre, you are!

Created by: Kite the SkyWing
  1. Which area would you like to live in?
  2. Which animal would you like to be
  3. Pick a colour
  4. Pick a weapon
  5. Pick a Pokémon type (Sorry for those non Pokémon fans)
  6. Pick a dragon tribe out of one of these
  7. How are you described by friends?
  8. Which one would you want to be?
  9. Why
  10. Finally, who is your favourite Talons of Peace member?

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Quiz topic: What Wings of Fire Alternate am I?
