what will you do to attemt suicide???

there are many deaths of suicide. what is suicide/ its a death that you do and not god. god want to end your life and you shouldnt. you should look at it as a good life and none of them that did it.

there are many deaths of suicide. you can be another person on that list. you can go to hell or heaven. chanses are greater of going to hell. you might like the devil, although it might get worse.

Created by: brandon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like a quick and painless death?
  2. do you lke a slow and painfull death/
  3. do you want to die quick
  4. do you like a fast death
  5. bo you like rope
  6. pick a number
  7. do you like to play "who would stay underwater the longest"
  8. do you like guns up to your head
  9. do you like edges (cliffs, roofs, ect.)
  10. would you want to go to hell

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Quiz topic: What will I do to attemt suicide???