what will you be when you grow up

this is mostly correct although there are some excepsions please use the actual info or you will not get the right answer that you shoould get the quiz is based on actaull facts

also you miight be able too improve and you are not stuck with that profession as of now hta is probaly what you end up to be it might not be as accurate with people already with jobs

Created by: bob

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you do in your spare time
  2. what is your average grade in school
  3. what is your favorite subject in school
  4. what are your plans for college
  5. what profession do you wan tot be when you grow up
  6. what would you want accomplish
  7. what is your favorite show
  8. what is most important to you
  9. what class were you brought up in
  10. what are you in school

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Quiz topic: What will I be when you grow up