What will be your demise?

This is a short quiz that will help you determine your future demise. You will either hate your answer or be happy with your answer. Either way life is short, be careful with it!

Please take my quiz to help you determine what sort of lifestyle you are living and to see what you might need to do to change it or keep it the way it is.

Created by: Ashley

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you feel overall about your life?
  2. How sexy are you?
  3. Do you like rock music?
  4. What is your diet?
  5. What do you do if someone tails your car?
  6. How many times a day do you smoke?
  7. What is your relationship status?
  8. Are you an alcoholic?
  9. Does everyone like you?
  10. Do you like Ozzy Osborne?

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Quiz topic: What will be my demise?