What undies Are for you, for men and boys

Do u want a underwear change? But what undies suit you, do you even need a change of undies , well you can find out in this quiz. Mom said life was like a drawer of undies, you never know what you gunna get

Are you a bed wetter or day wetter well if u are or even if you're not in an few minuets you'll know what type of undies with cover you tiny thing down there

Created by: A Dorito

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you pee a lot
  2. Do you poop a lot
  3. Do you wear tight pants / trousers
  4. Do you sleep at other houses a lot, like sleepovers
  5. Do you get a lot of boners
  6. Do you get a lot of boners
  7. Do you day wet
  8. Do u night wet
  9. Are you seen in your undies a lot
  10. What do you think your score will be

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