What type of wolf are you?

This quiz is about wolves and witch one are you.there is a omega wolf,alpha wolf,a white wolf,or a black wolf. You will see witch one is best for you.

This will contane what color you want to be or there might be questions of what will you do.this quiz does not contane bad words or inappropiote words.

Created by: Abby
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were a wolf what color would you want to be?
  2. Watch one would you want to be if you were a wolf?
  3. Witch one would you want to eat if you were a wolf?
  4. Were do you want to live if you were a wolf?
  5. Do you want to be a leader of the pack of wolfs?
  6. Who do you want to live with?
  7. Say if you attached a deer and a alpha takes it what do you do?
  8. Say you find a baby wolf all alone what would you do?
  9. Say you were all alone who would you go with.
  10. Witch wold you use to protect yourself from a enemy?

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Quiz topic: What type of wolf am I?