What type of Third Positionist are you?

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The Third Position is a broad range of ideologies that reject Capitalism, Marxism, and Anarchism in favor of economic Nationalism. This includes everything from a Nazi to a National Syndicalist to a Anarcho-Fascist.

What type of Third Positionist are you a member of. There are nine movements I put as possible results in this test. I hope you enjoy the quiz I made!

Created by: Sure_Bed of My Reddit
(your link here more info)
  1. Are we Pro-religious, if so what religion are we for
  2. What is your position on Monarchy?
  3. We should abolish the state
  4. Modernism or Reactionarism
  5. What’s your opinion on race?
  6. Is international Finance controlled by the Jews
  7. Should the state be Totalitarian or just Authoritarianism
  8. Hitler is divine
  9. Who should we ally with
  10. Who should control the economy
  11. How should class relations be handled?
  12. What should be Socialized/Nationalized
  13. Should we strive for Classical Nationalism (Petty Nationalism/Ethnic Nationalism) or Post- Nationalism (Racial Nationalism/Pan-Nationalism/Civilization Statism)
  14. Should we strive for Gentiles “Totalitarian Democracy” idea
  15. The Jews should be eradicated from the face of the earth

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Quiz topic: What type of Third Positionist am I?
