What type of Star Wars creature are you?

Have you ever wondered what kind of creature you would be if you entered the Star Wars world? Take my quiz to find out! Hopefully you have seen Star Wars!

Are you a: Protocol droid, astromech droid, or a Wookie? If you want to know, take the quiz! ( I hope you are satisfied with what you get) 😀😀😀😀😀

Created by: Griffon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which quality best describes you?
  2. Do you have a good sence of smell?
  3. Do you like animals?
  4. Are you good with technology?
  5. Have you seen Star Wars?
  6. Do you enjoy school?
  7. Do you read a lot?
  8. Do you think with your stomach?
  9. Do you like/ are interested in guns?
  10. Did you hate it when Han Solo got killed in The Force Awakens?

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Quiz topic: What type of Star Wars creature am I?