What type of Selena Gomez are you?

Selena Gomez has many sides to her. Which one are you? If you take this quiz you'll be able to find out. Are you- ........the sweet Selena? ........the nerdy Selena? ........the hipee Selena? In every way she has Selena Gomez is a wonderful and amazing girl.

SELENA GOMEZ!!! SWEET SIDE HIPEE SIDE NERDY SIDE WHICH ONE ARE YOU? FIND OUT NOW!!! TAKE THE QUIZ!!!!! SEL......cool SEL......sweet SEL......smart SEL......natural SEL......kind SEL......talented SEL

Created by: Janwinalcalde

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  3. Where's your afterschool hangout spot?
  4. What's your favorite pet?
  5. Describe Yourself.
  6. What's your favorite type of music?
  7. Your friends love your:
  8. What's your dream location?
  9. Are you popular?
  10. What's your favorite entertainment system?

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Quiz topic: What type of Selena Gomez am I?