What type of RLC Vampire are YOU

There are a lot of Vampires in RLC but what type are you? Take this quiz and find out... you may be surprised. Are you the family type or are you something much darker.

There are a lot of Vampires in RLC but what type are you? Take this quiz and find out... you may be surprised. Are you the family type or are you something much darker

Created by: RLC Quiz of RLC
(your link here more info)
  1. Its time to pick a family, how do you decide?
  2. You have just been tagged / welcomed into the family. How do you react
  3. What does KS mean.
  4. You GF/BF wants to go dancing because you haven't seen her all day, but at the same time your family is throwing a weekly event. What do you do
  5. You have been given a order to kill one of your brothers because they have done something really bad. How do you respond
  6. You were just sired, how do you spend the rest of your day
  7. Who can decided if a kill on another player is valid
  8. How do you kill a vampire in RLC
  9. When I see my family I usually
  10. In your entire RLC life, how many familys have you been in?

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Quiz topic: What type of RLC Vampire am I