What type of pet fits your lifestyle?

This quiz was created to help people who want a pet, but aren't sure what kind is right for them. Judging by your lifestyle, this quiz will help determine which pet would be the best for you.

This quiz has been created for my Web Development class, which will be linked to my semester website: Pet Finder. The website describes different kinds of pets and helps people determine what type would best fits their lifestyle.

Created by: Emily P.
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What kind of home do you live in?
  2. How much free time do you have on your hands?
  3. Out of these options, you would rather be
  4. What kind of relationship would you want with your pet?
  5. How many people live in your household?
  6. Would you like a large, playful pet that loves attention?
  7. Would you like a small pet that you could hold in your hands?
  8. Would you like a pet that lives in a cage or tank?
  9. Would you like a pet that can talk to you (bark, chirp, or squeak)?
  10. What kind of diet would you prefer your pet to have?

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Quiz topic: What type of pet fits my lifestyle?