What type of person are you

This quiz intends to prove a point about how a digital set top box can recongnize things you watch and make a judgement about you. It is a very general version of how the cable providers can use information about you.

This quiz will be used in class to explain to the students that your television actually watches you. Every click that you make with your remote control is recorded and sent back to the database for analysis.

Created by: Grant
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Typical Television show that you would watch?
  2. Another typical TV show you would watch?
  3. A TV advertisement you would be interested it?
  4. Another TV advertisement you would be interested in.
  5. Pick a movie that you would watch
  6. Another Movie that you would watch.
  7. The first food you would eat
  8. TV Network
  9. Magazine you would read
  10. Thing you would rather do then sitting in Kai's class?

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Quiz topic: What type of person am I