What type of person are u?(made by the person of are u insane or

Figure out what type of person u are, well if u dont know already! Anyway this quiz can tell you who u are. U might be satisfied or not, but u can always change.

Are u smart, Nice, Funny, Insane, or anything else?? This quiz can tell u. Anyway just figure out what type of person u are and try to change it or just keep encouraging what type of human u are.

Created by: Kimberly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. a stranger says goodmorning Sir, u respond how?
  2. Ur fav non-Swear word
  3. What planet would u live on if u could?
  4. Random question: Do u like off brand cereals? ^_^
  5. U go to a party and get pissy drunk....
  6. Do u like feet?
  7. Do u drink with ur pinkie up?
  8. Do u give up easily???
  9. How long do u stay on the phone?
  10. Which would u rather be....

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