what type of mermaid are you

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there are so many different types of mermaids. which do you think you are? each has a different personality, power, picture and opinion. there are 8 types in this quiz, which one are you?

do you think you are a kind mermaid? or maybe an evil mermaid. the only way to find out is to do the quiz. take 12 questions and find out exactly who you are or would be.

Created by: mermaidlover of quiz what type of mermaid are you
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your fav hobby
  2. what is your fav colour
  3. do you like animals?
  4. do you believe in love?
  5. which food would you prefer
  6. whats the most important?
  7. if there was a war you would
  8. your walking to a party and someone tells you not to go but doesn't say why?
  9. do you believe in mermaids
  10. did you think this quiz was fun or helpful?

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Quiz topic: What type of mermaid am I