What type of horse are you?

This Quiz will decide which type of horse you are. Find your inner horse! I hope you like the quiz. The choices are a suprise! But I will say that they are interesting breeds of horses..........

I don't have my own horse and I alwyas wondered what type of horse I would be if I was a horse, so that's why I made this quiz. Enjoy the quiz and have fun! WOOHOO!!!!!

Created by: Horses4ever
  1. How was your day?
  2. How much do you eat?
  3. Do you ever perform in front of big audiences?
  4. Which would you rather do?
  5. Which is your favorite type of music?
  6. You're mother is best friends with your arch enemy and one day you see them at the mall. You:
  7. Which is your favorite horse name?
  8. Which is your favorite color?
  9. What is your lucky number?
  10. Which is your favorite book series?
  11. Last Question: Which is your favorite season?

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Quiz topic: What type of horse am I?