What type of gingerbread house are you?

Yoo-Hoo, Hello people!!! this quiz is meant to find your inner gingerbread house type. So, which are you? A mansion, a shack, or a farm house? Take this quiz to find out!

Do you like to eat gingerbread? Do you like to make gingerbread houses? then take this quiz! It will inform you about what type of gingerbread house you are most like!

Created by: Bobett
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. How open are you?
  3. What shape describes you
  4. Are you a bubble?
  5. Which of these is most appealing?
  6. what are you wearing?
  7. How often do you clean yourself?
  8. What do you clean first?
  9. pick a letter
  10. are you wondering why puke green is in every question?

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Quiz topic: What type of gingerbread house am I?