What type of dog breed are you?

All people have an inner dog self now wag your tail and find out your inner dog self according to you preferences and personalities. Have fun with the quiz.

Find out your inner dog! have fun, be honest and your results will be accurate. You can tell your friends about the different dog personalities and what breed you are!

Created by: Lisa

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long would you sleep in if you could? (about)
  2. Do you prefer tea or juice or pop or milk?
  3. Say it is 30 degrees celcius outside, do you go out and get wet or sit infront of a fan?
  4. Which sport/activity do you like best?
  5. How many CLOSE friends do you have?
  6. How many chores do you have?
  7. What is you difference prefernce..chose one of these girls' names that you prefer best:
  8. How many of these foods have you tried (check off amount in multiple choice boxes): Homous, Taziki, Souvlaki, Pizza, Green tea, honey.
  9. Do you like sleep in tents or hotels
  10. Favourite restraunt

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Quiz topic: What type of dog breed am I?