What type of Communist or Socialist are you?

Socialism and Communism are terms that are widely used, but are usually misunderstood. Take this quiz to find out with which variety of Socialism or Communism you agree the most.

Terms needed to take the quiz: Communism: a socioeconomic theory/system characterized by a stateless, classless and moneyless society, where the means of production are directly owned by the community.Socialism: a socioeconomic theory/system characterized by a society, where the means of production are owned by the working class (either directly or indirectly)

Created by: Collectivist Karl
  1. How can your ideal system be established?
  2. What are your views on Capitalism?
  3. What are your views on the state?
  4. What are your views on the Soviet Union?
  5. A stateless, classless and moneyless society should be the final goal.
  6. What are you views on market economy?
  7. Who should hold power?
  8. Can Socialism be achieved in one nation?
  9. Worldwide Socialism is a realistic and viable goal.
  10. What is the ideal type of economy?
  11. Is a Socialist stage necessary?

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Quiz topic: What type of Communist or Socialist am I?
