what type of bobcat are you

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well i hope you like my quiz and i asked most of these questions because if you answer them write then you are***** bobcat but if you dont like your animal you can take the quiz again

these bobcats are very rare and are going extincted but zoo are trying to make sure their being saved and maybe one day they will be all around all over the earth

Created by: Elizibeth ziemba
  1. what color are your eyes
  2. what color is your hair
  3. what do you do when you get home
  4. what do you do to get ready for bed
  5. what do you make for dinner
  6. do you go to school
  7. how old are you
  8. where do you live
  9. what is your fav color
  10. what do you think y'all look like as a bobcat
  11. do you think y'all have a husband
  12. whats up
  13. do you like to curse

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Quiz topic: What type of bobcat am I
