What type of animal are you?

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This quiz will show and respect all of the animals in the animal kingdom and see where you belong if you die and be recreated. I believe in recreation.

There's not much to say about this quiz except that it was fun to make and I just love taking quizzes as well as you if you take this. Quizzes are just for fun so please don't take them seriously.

Created by: Regina
  1. 1. What's your favorite color?
  2. 2. What's your favorite animal?
  3. 3. What's your favorite song?
  4. 4. What's your favorite bird?
  5. 5. What do you think you'll get?
  6. 6.how many siblings do you have?
  7. 7.waht do you like more?
  8. 8.wut do you like more?
  9. 9. What's your favorite subject in school?
  10. 10.what's your favorite food?

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Quiz topic: What type of animal am I?
