What Throne of Glass Character are you?

This quiz is all about what Throne of Glass character you are. Throne of Glass is a series by Sarah J. Maas. It has a group of the main characters, and it will show you which one you are.

This is a great quiz because it will also tell you what your personality could be. please remember that this quiz might not be entirely accurate. So don't get mad if you get someone you don't like.

Created by: Sof
  1. Are you Female or Male?
  2. What's your fav food?
  3. Whats your fav combo of colours?
  4. How would you describe yourself?
  5. Would you own a kingdom?
  6. how old are you?
  7. Are you human?
  8. If you got to have any power, what would it be?
  9. Where in the Throne of Glass places would you live?
  10. if you could have any type of pet, what would it be?

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Quiz topic: What Throne of Glass Character am I?
