What The Doggos Character are you??

Welcome to my *UPDATED* The Doggos quiz! You will find out which "The Doggos" character you are most like. Yayyy!!!Never gonna give you up. Never gonna let you down.

Never gonna run around and desert younever gonna make you cry never gonna say goodbyenever gonna tell a lie and hurt you.fluffy hampter is so cute and I love him!

Created by: Marmaladewoof
  1. Would you rather stay at home, or go to a party??
  2. Do you like sweets? (cake, cookies, candy etc)
  3. At a social event, where are you?
  4. Are you easily upset?
  5. Do you like to follow the crowd?
  6. Do you like to plan before you act?
  7. Are you shy?
  8. You easily manipulate people by acting compassionate and genial.
  9. Are you proud of your self control ability?
  10. Is it easy for you to develop obsessions or be possessive or someone?
  11. Do you enjoy participating in activities that are shamed upon (this is so random sorry lol)
  12. Are you good with young kids?
  13. Are you a people person
  14. If you were in a fight with a dog, would you win?
  15. If you came across a video you didn't want shared on the internet, on the internet, how would you respond

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Quiz topic: What The Doggos Character am I??
