What tasty snack are you?

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There are soooo many tasty snacks in the world! Some are really famous,some aren't as famous. I chose only 6 tasty snacks because...well,those were the SillyBandz I was wearing...

This quiz might make you a bit hungry. It's only 13 quick questions. I worked very hard on this quiz,so I hope you like it! Please comment and rate if you want to.

Created by: CatFang

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You like your tasty snacks to be...
  2. Choose one.
  3. Vanila or chocolate?
  4. Frozen or un-frozen?
  5. Hard or soft?
  6. Hot or cold?
  7. Heads or tails?
  8. Which is your favorite type of weather?
  9. Choose a word.
  10. Do you like ice cream?
  11. Which one of these do you like the best?

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Quiz topic: What tasty snack am I?