What Sword Type Are You?

Who will you and up with? Will you and up with being an axe and end up taking over the world? or will you end up with a plain sword and be a very ordinary person.

Are you gonna be able to have the power to be an axe and hate people and take over the world or will you be a katana and be very open-minded it depends on what you chose!

Created by: Tyler
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What height are you?
  2. Do you like friends?
  3. Are you planning on ruling the world?
  4. Are you nice?
  5. Do you mostly care on who and when your going out with?
  6. Do you love your family?
  7. What do you do most of the time?
  8. Do you have any brothers/sisters
  9. Do you have friends?
  10. Do you get mad real easaily

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Quiz topic: What Sword Type am I?