What sword art online character are you

This is a quiz to tell you who you are from Sword Art Online. It's not really that complicated so jut take it.

The characters you could get are Kirito, Asana, Klevin, Heathcliff. Yes that's right, those are the four possible results. Who you are most similar to? I wonder... Well you have to answer the questions to find out.

Created by: Andrew Williams

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color are you?
  2. What weapon
  3. What will you most likely be in
  4. You will most likely die when...
  5. Who will you make a party with
  6. How many bosses have you soloed?
  7. Why would you kill someone?
  8. Do you watch Sao ( no affect )
  9. Do you like Sao ( no affect)
  10. Quiz over

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Quiz topic: What sword art online character am I