What SuperPower you should have

Superpowers superpowers are great you coulf fly be a superhero but we all have a hidden superpower and maybe yours could be regeneration or fly but you have to control your powers good

and should you have a superpower do you deserve one well yes you should but believing even more that you have a superpower will make you have one ok good

Created by: tina of What Super Power You Should Have?
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. whats your favourite color?
  2. what do you do mostly
  3. What would be your superhero name?
  4. whats your favourite animal?
  5. what do you like
  6. whatwhats your dad's favourite color?
  7. whats your hair color
  8. what superpower do you want
  9. what superpower does your dad want
  10. What's Your mom's favourite color

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