what super power fits you

so the quiz is about what super power u have i just wanted to make this quiz cause i have taken many what super pwer fits u quiz and none of them realy felt like they were complete i hope anyone who does this quiz is satisfyed and sorry for my bad spelling

ok so i'm supposed to write 2 paragrphs but i cant think of anything to add so i will just do this....................................................

Created by: ben
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. which of the following do u have
  2. when people describe u what do they say
  3. who is your superhero rolemodel
  4. where on the scale are u the scale as in the scale of good and bad
  5. who is yor least fav superhero
  6. if u had a arch nemisis what powers or gadgets would he have
  7. what kind of music do u listen to
  8. do u like the quiz so far
  9. what are u
  10. finaly the last Question so why did u take this quiz

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