What Sumerian City State Are You?

In ancient times, Ancient Sumeria had hundreds of different city-states that were all unique. Each city-state had its own unique identity and reputation. Based on your responses to the questions on this quiz, you can find out what Sumerian city-state that you would probably best fit in with if you lived back in ancient times.

Answer the questions below, as honestly as you can to find out what Sumerian city-state you would have most likely fit in the best with...............

Created by: Mr. Michna
  1. Do you consider yourself tough?
  2. How religious would you say you are?
  3. Based on the choices below, what would be your dream job?
  4. Based on the choices below, where would you rather live?
  5. Would you say that you have a bad temper?
  6. Based on the choices below, what is your favorite animal?
  7. Based on the choices below, what is your favorite food?
  8. If you could pick a number from the choices below, what number would be your favorite?
  9. What season do you like the best?
  10. Based on the choices below, what is your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: What Sumerian City State am I?