What sort of guy is right for you?

Do you feel like every man you have dated was a let-down? Well, take my test and find out what kind of dude will fit your fancy. I have a selection of basic sorts of men occupy this world, so you have a one in four chance of actually finding one. Good luck.

Remember to never get discouraged if the man you try out for is not what you expected entirely. Eventually if you keep trying, you'll find that special someone! ~Hearts.

Created by: Trixie5632
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like a man who will stand up for himself?
  2. Do looks really matter?
  3. Would you mind if he had other friends that are girls?
  4. Does he need to have an equal sum of money as you do?
  5. If he proposed to you, what would you say?
  6. What would you do if he ended up being gay?
  7. (Oh my gosh, those last 2 questions rhymed!) Anyways, what are you going to be when you grow up?
  8. (Last question.) Do you think you'd stay with a certain guy forever?
  9. What is your favorite book?
  10. Are you talented at anything?
  11. Will you be mad if the man you get as a result is not what you wanted?

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