What Should Be Your Career?

This personality quiz is about a career, it find you a career that might be for you. Warning do not take this seriously this is for entertainment purposes only.

I'm Beth, I love taking personality quiz's. When I saw many quiz's about careers don't have my dream job, a dancer so I got creative and made this! Hopefully you like it!!

Created by: Beth
  1. Shy or outgoing?
  2. What is more important?
  3. What one thing would you bring on a road trip?
  4. If you could go to one place for your birthday?
  5. What is your favorite season?
  6. What is your favorite field trip location?
  7. Choose a Location!
  8. Favorite Type of Music?
  9. Pick one of these items and actions.
  10. If you Could Have One Superpower what would it be?

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Quiz topic: What Should Be my Career?
