What season are you?

What is your season? Maybe this isn't your favourite season, but you will find out what season you truly are. This might be surprising! Take this test to find out!

Answer these questions truly, not so that you Chang your answers to fit the season you want! Some things won't be what you ink it will increase the affect of that season.

Created by: Madeleine
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're going shopping! Where first?
  2. What about sports?
  3. What is your favourite weather?
  4. Favourite thing to do?
  5. What's your favourite holiday?
  6. How do you like your trees?
  7. What is your favourite fragrance?
  8. What is your favourite flower?
  9. Most satisfying picturesque image?
  10. Finally, where do you live?

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Quiz topic: What season am I?