What saw-fan are you?

Hello guest, I want to play a game. You just sit down and I'll ask you a couple of questions. Do you appreciate your life? Today you'll show me. Your life is being tested, your will is being tested. How much confusion will you shed to get a good score?

Are YOU a die-hard Saw fan? Do you have the balls to do this? You will find out in a few minutes. I hope you do well, your life is in your own hands. I hope you remember all the stuff from Saw, or else it could be a tricky quiz. Let the game begin!

Created by: Levi
  1. How many Saw-films exist? Note: It's December 2007 now!
  2. What does Jigsaw die of?
  3. What is the relationship between the guy in Amanda's cell and Amanda?
  4. What foot did Lawrence Gordon cut off?
  5. What does Billy representing?
  6. Choose the right adress!
  7. In what year does John begins with his work?
  8. Is Detective Mathews dead?
  9. "X marks the spot." Where was the X in the bathroom?
  10. In how many movies did we see Obi?
  11. Finish the line: "Would you kindly get me a glass of......?"
  12. What was Adam?
  13. How late was it when the game was over in Saw?
  14. How many traps are there?
  15. Was any of the traps based on real life?
  16. What is the name of the puppet?
  17. In how many films did they say: "X marks the spot"?
  18. "Open the door and you will find me" In what film did they say this line?
  19. For who did John made the Hand trap in Saw II?
  20. In how many movies did they say "Game Over"?

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Quiz topic: What saw-fan am I?