What Sailor Gardian are you ?

Many people do sailor moon Quiz's but I gave it a try. This is my very first quiz so i'm totally new to this . Any feed back you have to help me get better ill take thanks for time Enjoy this personality quiz I made. hehehehehehehe

P.s Comment down below if I should make more quiz's any suggested info must be apropiate with no cusing or sexul humer . any suggestion will be taken into thought . I'm sailor Comet protector of light and speed as it is thank you for joining into my quiz. "Comet power Make-up !!"

Created by: Sailor Comet
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pick a picture
  2. Favorite Color
  3. Favorite Planet
  4. Do you like boys or girls ?
  5. Pick a flower
  6. Pick a sport
  7. Pick a pet
  8. Hows the quiz so far ?
  9. Who's your favorite
  10. Good bye thanks for playing!

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Quiz topic: What Sailor Gardian am I ?