What's your Flarnom Percentage?

Many people expect personality tests and quizzes to make sense. This particular quiz is entirely arbitrary and should appear incoherent to anyone who takes it. This is only for hardcore weirdos, so make sure you are a bit loopy before you take it.

The Flarnom Scale of Yeeearrrggghhhbbll was established in 1328 by John Enid Electorate Moonbeam Dainty Flower Smith, Professor of Understanding the Universe And Stuff at the University of Doesn'tactuallyexist. Now you finally have the chance to take this elite and carefully assembled test of...whatever it was again.

Created by: My name is confidential.
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your walking style?
  2. Choose a speech, impediment between one and ten.
  3. What's your favorite word?
  4. Is this Sparta?
  5. How do you laugh?
  6. Why?
  7. Does this quiz really have a point?
  8. Why did the chicken cross the road?
  9. Will you give me $700 right now?
  10. You come to the end of the hallway. Throught the door, you see a dragon. What do you do?
  11. What item would you most prefer to have on a deserted island.
  12. What is the answer to this question?
  13. Okay, this quiz is done now, right?

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Quiz topic: What's my Flarnom Percentage?