What render engine is best for you?

Take this quiz to find out what engine you need to use for your scenes. Be careful what you choose, just take this test and you will get the best result, but still be carefull lol

uhh dnt kno what to write goddamit just make the quiz what the dont should vray oka octane man this is so stupid why so much writing commonfilth alex jones donald trump

Created by: render
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How do you perceive light?
  2. How many polys are too many?
  3. Do you care for lighting?
  4. Do you like to control everything?
  5. Do you know what Blender is?
  6. Who is your inspiring render-artist
  7. Why obsess about lighting when there are 'Quick-rendering-engines'?
  8. Game design or Prototyping
  9. Real-time rendering(GPU) or Real rendering(CPU)?
  10. Are you grateful, very emotional that there is VFX in movies?

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