what race horse are you?

there are many race horses in this world. but i have only chosen three.they are zenyatta,secratariat,and seabuiscuit. this quiz is called,what race horse are you?

what race horse are YOU? you won't know in till you take this test/quiz.in a few minutes, you will find out what rce horse you are. hope you like it!

Created by: kara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your house is on fire.you can save one animal what would it be?
  2. what is your favorite animal?
  3. what is your favorite breed of horse?
  4. your dream horse would be:
  5. you twisted your ankle what do you do?
  6. your favorite horse dies do you
  7. you could have anything in the world what would it be?
  8. what is your dream job?
  9. your favorite food is...
  10. you are alone in the wilderness what do you do?

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Quiz topic: What race horse am I?