What Phyrrian dragon tribe is most like you?

This will tell you what phyrrian Wings of Fire dragon tribe you are!!!!!! Isn't that awesome? Back in my day, these tests took years! But, I hope you like it!

Just make sure that you answer truthfully and not just try to get nightwing or whatever. I know all, so don't try to cheat your way through. Hamburger.

Created by: meow
  1. What pet have you always wanted? (does not matter if you have it currently or just really want it)
  2. What's your favorite desert?
  3. How do you usually text friends? (if you don't text, just hit whatever you think you might type)
  4. How do you like Disney?
  5. Did you know that cashews come from a fruit?
  6. Do you think _____ is tasty?
  7. Is this your card? (holding up Jack of Spades)
  8. Tell me the truth, is whatever your taking the test on a computer?
  9. What tribe do you want be?
  10. How did you like this quiz?

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