What pet are you?

There are many smart people but only a few are a true genius. What is a genius? Well a genius is a person who can figure out things (eg problems) easily, they could probably figure something out that a normal person can't. :)

Did you always want to know what pet you would be if you weren't a human. Well this quick easy quiz will do just the thing. All you have to do is follow the quick simple steps and then you will know what pet you would be. :p

Created by: amazon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you like eating?
  2. Are you funny?
  3. Do you like fruits and vegetables?
  4. Which face do you like?
  5. Do you like animals fur?
  6. What is the last letter of your name?
  7. do you like being active or lazy?
  8. If you didn't want to be a human what would you be?
  9. Do you like sharing a room?
  10. How was this quiz was it enjoyable?

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Quiz topic: What pet am I?