What Peppa Pig character are you?

Hello my name is Michelle and if you wondering why Im only doing two characters its because its my first time making one of these so Im not sure how to do it properly so please don't judge me...

Anyway I made this quiz because I used to love Peppa Pig when I was younger and so why not make a quiz about it so that's why Im doing this...(btw Im not great at this as Im all new to this stuff so please leave comments of criticism)

Created by: Michelle Mitchell
  1. What word describes you most.
  2. What do you love most about life?
  3. Who is the best person in the Peppa Pig show?
  4. Who do you think your most like?
  5. Are you enjoying this quiz so far?
  6. Do you enjoy the show?
  7. Do you think your grown up?
  8. I forgot to ask this earlier so.....How old are you?
  9. Whats your favourite animal?
  10. UGVygvygjbhhbhvTu

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Quiz topic: What Peppa Pig character am I?
