What mythical creature are you?

There are many mythical creatures out there.... But wich one are you? Yuou could be special in you're own way and you might never even have known...

So,what mythical creature are you? It can all be solved with 12 questions and well i was a little lazy to do anymore... Take the quiz already! Why are you still reading this? I'm just stalling..

Created by: ZealousZoey
  1. What is you're favorite color?
  2. What is you're personality like?
  3. What is you're element?
  4. Are you left-brained or right-brained?
  5. Are you yin or yang?
  6. What stereotype group are you from?
  7. What kind of hair do you have?
  8. What color are you're eyes?
  9. What color is you're hair?
  10. What kind of shows do you like to watch?

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Quiz topic: What mythical creature am I?