What music should you listen to while gaming

There are many people who like to listen to music. After all, it's music. We listen to it on the radio, ipod etc. Because it's a form of entertainment, it helps develop intrests like for example: song:I was gaming last night♪ person: hmmm, sounds interesting

Do you want to listen to music when you game? Well you could only wonder. Unless... you want to find out? of course you do! Check out this quiz if you want to know!

Created by: Aissatou
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite genre of video games
  2. do you like gaming with friends?
  3. What console do you prefer
  4. What kind of phone do you have (if you have one)
  5. How many friends do you have
  6. Can you live without the internet
  7. what do you do beside gaming
  8. Thanks for the info, this is the last question.
  9. Psych! Do you actually listen to music when you game
  10. Rate this quiz! ( does not affect score)

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Quiz topic: What music should I listen to while gaming