what monster are you

there are a lot of people who think there smart thinking there brave thing there up for any challenge making quiz well it will a been proven it this crazy monster test

are you good enough for the ultimate test to show your in er monster well lets see your score will prove it all haha think your smart think your scary then try the test I dare you

Created by: molten b----
  1. what is your favourite colour?
  2. what is your favourite colour?
  3. what do people think of you?
  4. how do you react to scary things?
  5. what is your fav whether?
  6. which monsters do you like?
  7. which gender do you like monsters
  8. when do you go outside?
  9. like life?
  10. if you could control any power what would it be?
  11. do you like monsters?
  12. dont cry if you don't get what you want?

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Quiz topic: What monster am I