What Minecraft Mob are You?

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Heeeey! Welcome to my first and maybe last Minecraft quiz! Which mob are you most likely to be? Which one do you act like? Find out in this awesome quiz!

Minecraft and its characters do not belong to me. Pictures belong to unknown internet users. I do not get paid for anything I do, say, draw, create, or create. I regret nothing.

Created by: blue_skies13

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you rather climb walls, shoot with a bow and arrows, attack head-on, or explode?
  2. If any, do you have Arachninophobia, Kinemortophobia, Skelephobia, or Ekrixiphobia?
  3. Brains, webs, bones, or dynamite?
  4. What would you do if someone pushed you over?
  5. Do you have Pocket Edition or XBox?
  6. When sneaking into a house or building to steal a player's belongings, Stealth or Full Range Attack?
  7. What's your favorite color? (Sorry. Please don't kill me.)
  8. Do you play Minecraft?
  9. Which mob do you think you will get? (Choices: Zombie, Creeper, Skeleton, and Spider.)
  10. Rate and/or comment? (This will not effect your score.)

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Quiz topic: What Minecraft Mob am I?