What Magical Creature are you?

This quiz is very cool i hope you like it because i like it. and if you don't oh well...you're loss i made this out of complete bordem! I just hope you enjoyed this super wonder fu quiz that makes me Giggle!

This quiz is very cool i hope you like it because i like it. and if you don't oh well...you're loss i made this out of complete bordem! I just hope you enjoyed this super wonder fu quiz that makes me smile!

Created by: blaze1
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is you're favorite Dessert?
  2. What's you're Favorite color?
  3. What's you're All time Fav Fairy Tale?
  4. What's you're Favorite Manga/Anime?
  5. What do you do for a sport?
  6. What would you use for you're weapon?
  7. Pick a word that describe's you.
  8. What's you're fav Pet?
  9. Pick a subject in school you enjoy
  10. Which Magical creature do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: What Magical Creature am I?