What Magic Weapon Are You Destined For? BW

You fight in many battles with average weapons, but you loose many of them until you come across a weapon of power, and bond with it so it aids you in battle.

Your weapon of power will aid you even in your darkest hour, but it comes with pain and loss. Grasping the weapon of power is something not many are able to do.

Created by: Ruthless
  1. Imagine you are in the greatest battle of your life, your fighting for everything right in the world. Imagine your battlefield, Imagine just where you would fight. Click on the closest one to your answer.
  2. You can fight in many ways when you fight in your chosen battlefeild, but you are best in a specific form of fighting. Think of your fighting style and answer the closest one to what you though of.
  3. You defeat your enemy at last, it is a welcome victory. How do you do it?
  4. You are given a set of armour that aids you well in battle. You can feel power seeping from it. What is your armour.
  5. Who gives you your armour?
  6. You look down at your armour, and see a blazing aura surrounding it, what colour is that aura?
  7. You feel great power when you put on the armour, what is the power it grants you?
  8. You know what you fight for, what is it?
  9. What is most important in a person?
  10. What weapon do you want? This does not change your result.

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Quiz topic: What Magic Weapon am I Destined For? BW
