What Lantern are you?

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Every living thing feels emotions. Emotions such as Rage, Avarice, Fear, Willpower, Hope, Compassion, and Love. But their are those who have crafted tools to wield these emotions in the form of a Lantern. You are to be chosen as one of these Lanterns. But which one?

It is hard to determine who is suited for what as everything is filled with emotion. However, there are key points in life that can determine ones affiliation to a certain color of the Emotional Spectrum.

Created by: Alkabiadiz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're on a walk and you see a snake with a frog in its mouth. It's slowly trying to wrap its mouth around the frog and devour it. What will you do?
  2. You're at your job and your boss is more bossy than usual as he starts giving you more work than normal. He/she tells you to work overtime but you have plans to watch a movie with your five friends, and a guy/girl you have a crush on, for the evening. How do you react?
  3. You're on your way to the grocery store for some food when you spot a diamond ring on the sidewalk. You pick it up and after examining it assume it must be worth a fortune. You look around to see if it belonged to anyone nearby and you see a woman a couple of feet from you with no ring on her finger. What do you do?
  4. You head into the store and pick up several items to purchase. As you check out your items, five masked robbers enter the building with guns and yell at the cashiers to empty out the cash. One of the robbers points a gun at you and demands that you give her your wallet. What do you do?
  5. In the middle of the night, you hear a loud explosion and quickly rush outside but not before grabbing a gun to protect yourself. As you rush outside, you're shocked to find the wreckage of an alien spacecraft. You point the gun at what you can only assume is the pilot of the spacecraft. You see a shard of the ship sticking out of its side with its blood dripping from the wound. What do you do?
  6. Today is a special day. Today you and your crush are going to a park for a picnic to hang out. As you set up the blanket and pull out two sandwiches from the picnic basket, you feel a drop of water on the bridge of your nose. You look up and see dark clouds forming above. The first thing you do is grab your crush's hand and the basket and rush over to the playground where you find shelter underneath the slide. A bolt of lightning flares and thunder booms, causing your crush to hug you tightly in fear. You realize there's nothing you can do but wait the storm out. What do you do?
  7. Your crush lets out a loud "YIPE!" As you both see a family of rats scurrying towards you to get out of the rain. Your crush doesn't like rats since they carry all kinds of diseases. What do you do?
  8. One day, as you're minding your own business. You feel a presence surround you that sends a chill up your spine. You spin around and your mouth becomes agape as you see a large whale looking creature that is complete green with a green lantern connected to a strand that dangled from its chin. This creature is Ion, and it has chosen you as its new host. Before you can accept, ten Green Lantern agents appear as well as ten Sinestro Lanterns. They start fighting over who would claim the entity of Willpower. You and Ion merge and join the fight. But which side do you take?
  9. The time has come, the rogue Guardian, Ganthet, has come to you and tells you that you will play a major role in the future. He presents to you a ring that belongs to the Green Lantern corps. He offers you the position of a Green Lantern of sector 2814. What do you do?
  10. You and your crush are enjoying a lovely day when all of a sudden, you see a hand rip your crush's heart from his/her chest. You stare in shock at the man known as Black Hand who holds your crush's heart in his hand. You are overwhelmed with so many emotions, but only one sticks out. What is it?
  11. You are searching through a garage sale when you come across an old red maverick car. You ask the owner if it's for sale and he says it is. However, the man explains that the car requires a lot of work, time, and money. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: What Lantern am I?