What krew member are you

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This quiz is for krew fans only if you are not get lost if you are this quiz is which krew member you are please tell me your favorite krew member after you are done

You need to be subscribed to Any member of krew to do the quiz just kidding you can play as long as you know who krew is but you need to know all of them

Created by: Nora Donahue
  1. What is your favorite color
  2. What pet do you like better
  3. What's your favorite food
  4. What game is your favorite game
  5. What do your friends describe you as
  6. Which delivery
  7. Wood land creatures
  8. What's your favorite stuffed animal
  9. What flower do think is the best
  10. Which famous singer

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Quiz topic: What krew member am I
