what kind of zombie survivor are you?

this is just a quiz i made to show you what i would stereotype you as in a zombie attack. its mostly for fun so dont take it to serously this is my third quiz too

what kind of survivor in a zombie apocolypse are you? are you a leader or a loner? like to bash zombie heads or bust caps in them? take this quiz to find out.

Created by: amazon
  1. the apoclypse starts what first?
  2. your forced to leave your home. you find yourself at the door of a pawn shop just full of weapons... its locked how do you get in?
  3. in the pawn shop what weapon do you take?
  4. now where are you going?
  5. you're all assighned jobs whats yours?
  6. a group member brakes their leg what do you do?
  7. on your radio you hear about a helicopter evac. you get there and zombies attack you... the helicopter lands but you know zombies will get you enless theres a distraction what do you do?
  8. a member was bit on the arm in that last fight what do you do?
  9. your out of food and need some or your gonna die... your in a woodland area near a town and also near a camp of armed survivors what do you do?
  10. you reach your destination and colonize. after a year of peice a fight starts out between two members... they pull knifes on each other how do you handle this.

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Quiz topic: What kind of zombie survivor am I?