What kind of wolf are you?

Have you ever wondered what kind of wolf you'd be if you were in a pack? Well if you haven't I bet you are now. This quiz tells you if you'd be and Alpha, an Omega, a Lone Wolf, or a pack Wolf.

Do you like to lead people? Do you fade into the shadows? Do you prefer to be alone? Do prefer to be around people? Just answer 12 simple questions and you'll find out what wolf you are, Alpha, Omega, Lone, or Pack.

Created by: dragon108011

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You have a freeday, what do you do?
  2. Your friends call and tell you to come to the park to chat, you...
  3. You are the leader of a certian organization, election time comes and you...
  4. Someone tells you a secret and tells you not to tell anyone or else, you....
  5. You are given an oppurtunity to be president of your class (or organization), you....
  6. You write a poem (or book) and are becoming famous for it, you react by...
  7. You direct a popular movie and everyone wants to know how you came up with this idea you....
  8. You build the most unique house in the world, everyone wants to own it you...
  9. You read a new book, you go to school (or work) the day after you finish and...
  10. You buy a new car and drive it to school (or work) the next day, everyone is talking to you about it, you...

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Quiz topic: What kind of wolf am I?