What Kind of Teacher Career is Best for YOU?

This quiz will show you what kind of teacher you should be. You want to be a teacher that your students would like, so taking this quiz might do you some good in that. Students happiness is everything, right?

You might not get what you expected, but it will definitely be accurate. I've made sure these questions really show what grades of students would like you. And it better work out!

Created by: Zooloo
  1. What kind of kids do you like?
  2. What kind of schooling do you like?
  3. Do you like clubs?
  4. Do you like parties?
  5. What is your favorite subject?
  6. Your favorite school supplies is...?
  7. If I asked your friends your personality, what would they say?
  8. What letter is your favorite?
  9. What is your favorite way to spend the evening?
  10. This is the final question. What are you feeling?

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